mansur gavriel

Update: I'm selling my Mansur Gavriel Lady Bag
I've decided to sell my Mansur Gavriel Lady Bag after only a short period of time with it because I can see that it's not going to be as great for heavy items as I thought. It's practically new, make me an offer. Or don't and save your money! Buy the Mansur Gavriel Lady Bag here.
Let me start by saying any person who takes some time out of their day to visit this blog, read my posts, and then takes the time to comment is someone very important to me. I listened to all of your comments on my last post about the Mansur Gavriel Lady Bag. (Quick summary: I accidentally purchased the Lady Bag in Sand after my credit card was saved in my browser but eventually returned it because I wanted to buy it only when I could do so in cash).
I wanted this bag for a while now, and not because it's the new hard-to-get thing, but because I have a lot of client-facing meetings or travel where carrying a backpack seemed a little too casual for business. So after returning the Lady Bag in Sand, I set aside some time to sell about 10-15 items from my closet in order to have the discretionary cash set aside to buy the Black Lady Bag as soon as I found some stock — which, as we all know, when it comes to Mansur Gavriel, buying one of their bags is a pretty tall freaking order.
Cut to me browsing The Line (a shop I know for sure sells the Mansur Gavriel Large Lady Bag in Black/Ballerina, the combination I was looking for), and bam. It was there. Did I have the cash to buy it now? Magically, yes. Thanks to your advice. And so I did. And you know what? It felt so much better than the last time I happened to get my hands on a Lady Bag — just like you all said.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you have already done the cost-benefit analysis of a new purchase, and your whole cost-per-wear breakdown makes financial sense, and then you have the cash reserves to buy it responsibly, go for it.
Mansur Gavriel Lady Bag (Large) | Kaarem Dress | Zara shoes

heat waves, showing skin, comfort levels, etc.
The truth of the matter is that I'm not very comfortable in short shorts, nor have I ever been. Even in high school, when I was at school for a solid 13 hours a day doing extra curricular things, like running my four track events, being the tennis team captain, AP classes, SAT this and that, and my legs were crazy fit, I still didn't feel like the short skirt/shorts vibe was ever me. It's not so much a self confidence thing so much as I don't think the entire world needs to see me in that light. That fleshy sexy light.
Yikes. I guess it's more of a control freak thing then, and maybe a proportion thing that I've always known to not work with my pear shaped body. Summer months have never been my favorite anyway. My entire childhood growing up in Los Angeles when it was hot as hell most of the year meant that I had two choices in the morning: what tank top, what pair of shorts. It was a boring combination that probably explains why I dislike summer so much when it comes to fashion and style. Ever since I moved to the Bay Area after college, I always enjoyed the chill of Karl the Fog and seemingly endless fall weather.
I digress! Anyway, short shorts and super mini things are always going to be a past road I never ventured down. Why? Because with my twenties in the rear view mirror I'm thinking it will never be a good time for me to wear hot shorts and feel like, "dayum, the world needs to see me in this outfit. Nick take a picture of me in this right now." Sure, I choose to have those moments privately, like when I'm on vacation or in the company of my closest friends, but on abnormally hot days in the Bay Area, where it's freakishly 90˚ for a couple weeks now, I need to be able to wear an outfit that is made for the heat and still feel polished. This (above) is that for me. I'm still wearing the jorts, but in a way that makes me feel more at ease, and honestly, kind of minimalist modern.
I admit my outfit is not a textbook summer looks you'll find in slideshows with "Outfits to OMG Copy Right Now," but I'm sure you'll agree that when it comes to summer and heat waves you just have to do what feels good to you until cooler weather comes around again. But hey, I'm not hatin'. If short shorts happen to be your thing and you feel like a million bucks in them, then dude, wear the short shorts. Life is but a blink.
mansur gavriel lady bag (large) | madewell jeans (size 29) | zara dress (small) | Newbark shoes (8) | pomwum bag charms | clyde hat | elva fields earrings | céline caty sunglasses
Wear This Now
Atlantique Ascoli Baby Doll
Oh, you know. Just waltzing around in my precious little baby doll Atlantique Ascoli dress. It's absolutely precious on a human body, but let me tell you, looks questionable on a hanger. So if you find yourself at Barneys any time this week, they are in the process reducing the price on lots of designer goodies like this one from Atlantique Ascoli. It's like 75%, what are you even waiting for.
FYI , this is a black and white edit, there are color photos to come. Why? Because finding time to take photos of me wearing this dress was difficult this weekend and I love them, and this is my blog, and I reserve the right to post things I love.
Atlantique Ascoli dress | Aquazzura Christy flats | Mansur Gavriel leather pouch | POMWUM charm
Contemplating The Mansur Gavriel Lady Bag
Ok, follow me here. I have two Mansur Gavriel bags. Both mini buckets, one in black, and the other in tan. I want the new Lady Bag though, which I think makes more sense for my commuting, traveling, laptop-totin' art director ways.
So how about this: I sell my little tan mini bucket bag and buy the Lady Bag?
What say you internet?
nostalgic appreciation
What can I say? I'm in a nostalgic mood. Back when this Alexander Wang blush streamer dress came out I was so enamored with it that I stalked it on the runway, in street style shots, and on sale racks. But alas, my financial situation at the time was not as #blessed as it is now (I work a lot and freelance a ton on the side) so I made the right decision to not pursue something I couldn't afford. So cut to me circa now, browsing The Real Real, just bored in my office taking a break from a project and what do I see? The one and only Alexander Wang blush streamer dress from the collection I loved, on sale, with tags. It was on sale for $180 on The Real Real and I ended up adding a 20% coupon to it to seal the deal.
I loved it as soon as it arrived as well because it is just the loveliest muted pink in the most fluttery silk fabric. Is it exactly on trend right now? Probably not. Do IGAF? Nope. Wearing this dress makes me happy because I feel like I've dressed myself up in it for years before I had it, and now that I own it the dress it feels like a testament to working hard to afford and buy what I want. First world problems, people. I'm not preaching that material things will always make you happy, but that maybe sometimes materials things can signal more of a milestone, which can be lovely too.
This nostalgic appreciation is the relationship I have with certain pieces of clothing in my closet, especially older ones from when I didn't have as much. The rest of my closet functions as daily armor I put on my body to make me feel ready to face the day and other people.