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About An Hour : May 2020

Another month, another playlist. How is it already June?

Not much going on ‘round these parts, which I guess means I’m doing my part during these strange times. The country is another story — “boiling point” feels just right when I think about it. At home there’s lots of video calls, texts, and missing my people. But it’s becoming very much not enough. I miss interacting with people in person, listening to their stories, and most of all looking at their mouths. Everyone is just a pair of eyes now that I’m not entirely sure how to read — personally I need and require more signals, facial cues, and fucking nuance to be satisfied socially.

Meanwhile, work is like a gas filling every available nook and cranny of my life with meetings and tasks. It’s mostly my fault (and I’ll get a grip on it), but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I enjoy the sense of purpose. And when I’m really in it, super focused, I selfishly forget about the outside world and I feel in control. I start booting up the familiar tabs and browse shops like I used to. I even put things into my cart and start putting together outfits like before. Then I read the news and I quickly snap back to the new normal. Browser session over. Stupid girl.

I read an article that said that most Americans are impulse buying these days. In a recent poll or something a surprising amount of people are buying things $200+ to feel better. I’m not linking it because I’m trying to make a more general point that I am not immune. My vices: I like triple-cream cheeses and champagne and order it on top of some essential goods whenever I can (and tip very generously, I’m not a monster!). Then, in what is maybe some misguided optimism things will go back to normal, I also got a few material things, too. Like for some reason I also bought a blazer — a nice oversized black Totême jacket that was on super sale and I really like wearing to almost anything I can make an excuse for.

Other than that, one of my favorite things to do are my almost-daily workouts with Laura. My work makes her (and a cadre physical fitness professionals) available to anyone who wants to attend for free virtually. Honestly, I’m surprised at how motivating/interesting it is. Besides the endorphins and the triple-cream-neutralizing-calorie-burn, I like that the calendar invites are handy because the workouts signal to everyone at work that I’m off the clock. It signals to me that I should probably leave my home office situation to move around.

I go to the garage and vacuum the sawdust and whatever else Nick is working on and make myself an area. I pull out my yoga mat and fill up my water and continue living in the bubble I have been since in March.

About An Hour is a monthly playlist. Shuffle and die. So don’t. You can listen to it here.
All previous playlist are archived monthly in my Spotify profile.