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Vintage levi's are unforgiving reminders that you have an ass

Part of me hopes this vintage aesthetic that is taking over fashion trends overall right now stays for a while because it encompasses so many different definitions and elements of what "vintage" could be. I do love the 60's and 70's vintage looks, especially with how Miu Miu and Gucci are reinterpreting the word, but seeing clothes from the 90's being sold as vintage today is absolutely mind blowing because I have a hard time believing the era I grew up in was that long ago. I guess the 90's has some good stuff too, I guess, like slip dresses and vintage Levis. 

Ugh. Vintage Levis. As in 100% cotton and unforgiving button fly closures bursting at the seams if you happen to have an actual ass and hips (which I do). It's also the damn era of waist number sizing versus today's vanity jean sizes — my usual 26 in stretch jeans is a really tight and uncomfortable-to-break-in 29-30. Eeeps. 

Do I think the jeans look as nice on my butt than other people who are rail thin? Not really. Is that horrible to admit? I don't think so. If I was rail thin and willing to be super skinny a la my teenage years I'm sure these would look so on trend, but that statement itself is pretty sad, "chasing the teenage years." No, no. It's best I leave these jeans out of my closet rotation and into someone else's. I found this particular pair for a real bargain, so I figured I'd give it a try. But now I know it's just not going to work out because I'd rather keep my big ol' ass than these unforgiving reminders that I have a body.